Guides for current offerings and for One With One parent coaching:

Founder of Ohana Family Resources,
Educational Support Specialist and Parent Coach (for parents of children ages 5-12 years)

During my 33-year career as an educator, I spent 22 years working with children who were challenged with learning and behavior. The beacon I held for these bright ones was threefold:
What are your gifts? How can I help you bring these gifts to the forefront? And how can we (your parents and I) understand  you and provide tools for you to mine these unique gifts?
My career was guided by the “Why?” Why do some children struggle more than others? What is at the core of the struggle? How can I support this child from a strength-based approach knowing that it is more important that this child knows they belong rather than how to fit in?

My journey has been one that has led me to the core of understanding how and when children develop, why we are all wired differently, and how to support the physical and emotional development (the roots and branching) of the child for the harvest of future fruits.

I have had the opportunity to serve in both mainstream and holistic educational environments, resulting in co-founding the Siskiyou School and developing a comprehensive educational support program providing sensory integration, a specialized curriculum, and an honoring of different learning profiles for students who learn “outside the box.” In 22 years of learning from these children, I was given the gift of an in-depth education on how the human being develops from the inside-out and bottom-up model that is more honoring of how nature intended us to grow. In addition to teaching, I have led parent education, circles, workshops, and school in-services over the past 20 years to support co-creating fresh understanding of the unique ways in which children develop. 

My work with children has always been fused with my passion for building bridges with parents to co-create a healthy base from which children can explore their world. As we question and examine our own childhoods, we release the filters through which we see children and can enjoy more presence in the parenting/teaching journey. Ohana Family Resources is a dream come true as I have always seen teaching and parenting as one of the most important things we can do to affect the greater whole In creating offerings to serve your parenting journey, we can learn together as a community how to touch the future by coming together to ask “How can we best hold and serve these children, now?”  In serving the best interests of children, we serve the best interests of humanity. We so look forward to walking the walk in service with you.

Founder of Boys Alive! Family Coach and Co-host ON BOYS Parenting Podcast

Life as a parent of a boy can be challenging and confusing and there is so much information out there. But you don’t have to go it alone! Parenting your boy can and should be jubilant and rewarding and Boys Alive! will get you there. Currently offering private coaching. If you are ready to make positive, profound changes in your parenting - I’m here to support you! I am a veteran Waldorf Educator, the founder of Boys Alive! and co-host of the ON BOYS Parenting Podcast and I’ve been supporting parents and teachers of boys for over 20 years. If you’re ready to have a stronger bond with your son, let’s talk! Email me to schedule a complimentary call:


Individual/Teen Mentor and Teen Parent Coach

These are intense times to navigate for anyone, especially for our teens. With deep listening and attention, I guide and support teens in the process of discovering their unique essence and innate gifts. As they are seen in this way, they gain the confidence to enter their life from a place of knowing themselves and their connection to the world. I offer one-on-one mentoring in-person and remotely on Zoom. As I hold non-reactive, curious, and open-hearted space with them, I  have seen kids transform. Magic does happen.

I also offer parent coaching for parents of teenagers to help support and give guidance during these overwhelming times we’re within. It’s not easy to parent these brilliant powerhouses of people who are individuating into a world of uncertainty and over-stimulation. These times require the Village more than ever. We don’t need to do this alone. 

Kelly Tisdel was a Waldorf Class teacher for 16 years before feeling the pull to serve teens and families in this one-on-one approach. She has learned that through this format, with presence, healing happens.


Individual/Family Therapist and Parent Coach

I work passionately to support individuals and families on their path of healing and personal growth. With a professional history as a Family Wellness Counselor and Master Wilderness Field Guide in wilderness therapy, a Counselor with a home transitions program, and a Life Coach in private practice, I bring a broad experience of meeting clients where they are in their process of healing and connection. In this process family dynamics heal with the learning and appropriate application of communication skills and developmental concepts.