What we all have in common: we were all once a child. Let’s make a circle around what we now have in common—our children.
THE ORDER OF LOVE: Family constellations with Susan Schlosser
Family Constellation work is a potent way we can support the healing of unresolved issues in our family of origin. As we “clear the waters,” we undam places where love got stuck, and we free our children from carrying generational baggage that is not theirs to carry. Join us to experience this transformational tool that has ripple effects on all areas of our life as we realign with the order of love and heal our family system.
This day is hosted by Ohana Family Resources and facilitated by Susan Schlosser. I have been doing Family Constellations with Susan for over 15 years. It has had powerful affects on my relationship with my family, friends, and work life. I am so excited to share this experience with you.
Susan Schlosser, M.A. has been guiding people through the powerful process of transformation for many years. Through deep listening and connecting with the Greater Soul, she brings compassion and light heartedness to the journey of awakening, while honoring and respecting the wisdom that each person carries in their own soul. http://truenatureconstellations.com
This event is postponed. New date TBA
9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Location: Ohana Family Resources
Sliding scale fee: $85-120
TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT, PLEASE E-MAIL ohanafamilyresources@gmail.com
Do not pay on-line. We will give you ways to pay Susan.
April 8 Inside-Out Parenting In-person at OFR
April 10 Inside-Out Parenting: Live Zoom Meeting (recording available)
Resiliency is the outcome of children being taught to find balance between the pain/pleasure cycle, to use tools for self-regulation, and to live in curiosity. We will look at the powerful influence of dopamine and its influence on children’s behavior and how to parent towards balancing this chemical as it works in child’s brain. Teaching children how to understand their “inner workings” so they are not continually tossed around by outer circumstances is a life skill. These turbulent times are calling on all of us to become more and more resilient, so join us live or on-line to gain valuable insights and tools for yourself and your family.
4/8 In-person Meeting
4/10 Zoom live meeting 9:00-10:15 PST
Sliding scale $15-25
This popular class is now being offered on-line for those of you who cannot attend in person. This 3 part series is an in-depth look at the development of the child between the ages of 8-13 years. As this is the time when the child is learning how to build Emotional Intelligence, this class offers invaluable information and tools to support this phase of critical development that lies as the foundation for healthy social skills and resilient thinking. Topics covered:
Neurological Development of The Child
Emotional Intelligence and Why it Matters
Working with Intrinsic Guidance
Parenting To Support Emotional Resiliency
Parenting Ourself To Parent With Presence
Tools for Emotional Regulation
Fee includes extensive handouts.
April 16, 23, & 30
9:00-10:15 a.m. PST
On-line: live
Fee: $125.
Neurographics Mini-Morn: Forging New Pathways
Take a three-hour mini-morn deep dive into the simple tool of neurographics, a way to repattern neural pathways that are no longer serving you. The “map” of our daily life is dictated often by programs that were laid down in early childhood. This means a great deal of our life is being run by deeply unconscious beliefs and habits. Neurographics is a form of drawing “neuro-lines” that the brain can recognize to update our neurology with our current intention. The doing of neurographics also helps us see possibilities that we could not see before. Forge new pathways for parenting, work, relationship or any area where you want to loosen a stuck place in your life. No art experience necessary. This is a process not a product.
April 18 In person
Sliding Scale: $50-65
April 21 Evolutionary Discipline: Part 2
A deeper look at how the old methods of disciplining children are begging to be replaced with an updated version of how the brain is evolving . Learn the five steps to follow to support co-creating the child’s inner guide instead of fueling the birth of an inner critic. Activities to actually do with your child will be taught in this class. You do not need to have attended Part 1 to benefit from this talk.
April 21 live meeting at OFR 9:00-10:15
April 24 live on-line meeting
Please indicate date when you register.
Donation: Your donation support the work with children at OFR.
April 7 5th/6th Graders 3:30-5:00
April 16 4th Graders 3:30-5:00
April 18 5th/6th Graders 1:30-3:00
April 21 5th/6th Graders 3:30-5:00
April 30 4th Graders 3:30-5:00
May 2 5th/6th Graders 1:30-3:00
April Tween Mentoring meetings are being offered on a drop-in basis, which means you can sign up for one or more meetings. These meetings are for children who have attended at least one cycle of circles with Nina. We will have time to deepen the work on themes that arise from check-ins, play interactive social/emotional games, and go more in-depth topics that we have explored before.
Please register as group size will be limited to give time for individual attention.
Indicate dates on registration.
Sliding scale: $25-$30 per session.
May 6 Embodied Parenting In-person at OFR
May 8 Embodied Parenting Live Zoom Meeting
Embodied Parenting is an in-depth look at why we need to teach children to trust the wisdom of the body. It also gives the why behind trusting our own intuition as parents as we maneuver through times that bombard us with so much information. We will look at the nervous system and learn embodied practices that can support our inner knowing about how to take each next step with our children. Essential for modeling healthy boundaries and for improving connection with our children. Children learn from watching parents embody what matters. We will also look at how our “Human Design” contributes to how we behave. Take the time to tune in with inquiry questions and easy to use practices offered in this session.
Note: These tools are key in all areas of our life!
5/6 In-person Meeting
5/8 Zoom live meeting 9:00-10:15 PST
Sliding scale $15-25