What we all have in common: we were all once a child. Let’s make a circle around what we now have in common—our children.

Monday Tween Circle, ages 11-12 years: FULL

Contact Nina for more info on mentoring circles. Register here and pay to hold space only after you have confirmation from Nina.

September 16, 23, 30 and Oct. 7

3:30-4:45 p.m.

4 sessions: $140

Wednesday Tween Circle, ages 9-10 years: FULL

Contact Nina for more info on mentoring circles. Register here and pay to hold space only after you have confirmation from Nina.

September 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2

3:30-4:45 p.m.

4 sessions: $140

Friday Tween Circle, ages 10-11 years: FULL

Contact Nina for more info on mentoring circles. Register here and pay to hold space only after you have confirmation from Nina.

September 13, 20, 27 and Oct. 4

1:30-2:45 p.m.

4 sessions: $140

Parent Coffee Circle: Cooling Conflict With Your Child

Children will push our buttons! That is the way of it! Come join us for coffee as we explore ways to cool conflict and model using challenging moments as constructive learning opportunities. We all need to support to be peaceful guides for our children. Gift yourself with this morning coffee to relook at “the buttons” and add a few tools to your tool belt for building peace. Registration required as group size is limited.

October 1 9:00-10:15 a.m.

Sliding scale $25-30. Tea and coffee provided.

Parent Coffee Circle: Being Tech Intentional: Navigating Technology In Family Life

We are in unprecedented territory with how to navigate raising children with technology. This morning support circle will explore how to clarify your stance on how screens will be used in your home. Our children are watching us for the path of health with this issue. Use this time to inquire into this topic with other parents. Registration required as group size is limited.

October 17 9:00-10:15 a.m.

Sliding scale $25-30. Tea and coffee provided.

Navigating The Heart of Childhood: Parenting the 7-14 year old.

This series of three morning talks covers the critical development of the child between the ages of 7-14 years.   Understanding and supporting the development of this time is deeply supportive as we will learn why and how to place stepping stones through the waters of the rich, yet tumultuous, emotional life (the EQ) of the “tween.”  Nurturing the development of the EQ has lifelong repercussions as it is the foundation for all relationships and how one emerges “feeling” about the world. Since many of us were not parented with a healthy or conscious understanding of how the “emotional body” works, this series is a gift you give to your family. Group size limited to allow time for your personal questions. Registration required.

October 8, 15, & 22 9:00-10:15 a.m.

Sliding scale $135-150 Tea and coffee provided.

Parent Coffee Circle: Looking Back to Move Forward

This coffee circle will offer an important look at attachment styles and how to acknowledge and work towards forgiving your past so you can move forward with clarity in your parenting journey. We will explore in-depth what constitutes secure attachment and how to offer this to your child in present time through being mindful/heartful of your past and how you were parented.

October 30 9:00-10:15 a.m.

Sliding scale $25-30. Tea and coffee provided.


At the heart of childhood (between the ages of 7-14) lies the very important work of developing a healthy EQ to support mental health and social skills for life. More than ever, we are seeing the increasing need for understanding and meeting this time of development. This one-day deep dive is a journey into exploring the key components of the EQ and learning tools and activities to help create a strong foundation before the teen years arrive. Topics covered:

*Brain development of the 7-14 year old and how to support.

*The Drama Triangle: Supporting empowerment in social dynamics.

*Temperament: the lens through which a child plays on the triangle.

*Neuro-emotional tools for mental health.

*Child friendly language for stress and anxiety and language to support effective communication in the home or classroom.

*Supporting emotional resiliency.

This workshop is ideal for parents and teachers wishing to create more mindful practices for the home and classroom to meet the rising stress and anxiety we are witnessing in our younger children. Peace begins at home.

October 5, 2024

9:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m

Ashland, Oregon

Sliding scale $140- 165 (group size limited)

Neuro Beats Mini Morn

This very fun Mini Morn will be a playful dive into Neuro-Rhythmic movements that can be used in the home or classroom to support whole brain learning and emotional regulation. These movements are clapping, snapping, and tapping activities that open meridians, integrate the two brain hemispheres, and calm reptilian brain activity in children. They are fun, interactive, and easy to learn. Also very good for the adult brain to encourage new neuro wiring! For those of you who have attended previous workshops, these are new tools for your toolbox!

October 19, 2024

9:00 a.m.- noon

Ashland, Oregon

$65 (group size limited)